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and secure online acquiring!

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Loans in national currency at low interest rates

Loans for businessConsumer loan



Кредиты в национальной валюте по низким процентным ставкам

Кредиты для бизнесаПотребительский кредит



All financial services in one place: safe, convenient, efficient!


Loans for business
Consumer loan


Deposit for legal entities
Deposit for individuals

Online banking

Your personal bank in your pocket: security and availability 24/7!

Exchange rates

  • Cash
     07.10.2024 г. 
    buy   sell
    us USD 84,60 - 85,10
    eu EUR 92,40 - 93,40
    ru RUB 0,8700 - 0,9100
    kz KZT 0,1200 - 0,1900
  • Non-cash
     07.10.2024 г. 
    buy   sell
    us USD 84,25 - 84,75
    eu EUR 92,60 - 93,60
    ru RUB 0,8500 - 0,9300
    kz KZT 0,1150 - 0,2000
    cny CNY 11,00 - 12,70
    TRY TRY 2,200 - 3,500
    aed AED 21,00 - 25,00
    flag of india.svg 2 INR 1,00 - 1,20
  •  07.10.2024 г. 

    Mass (g) Purchase price Sale price
    1 1 5 000,00 9 500,00
    2 2 9 000,00 19 000,00
    3 5 20 000,00 42 000,00
    4 10 40 000,00 79 500,00
    5 31,1035 130 000,00 237 000,00
    6 100 500 000,00 760 000,00

    Note: 1) The Bank reserves the right to change these rates in case of market conditions changes.

Updated mobile banking:

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